the allegory of the cave platos republic

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What I am hoping to show by this analysis is that if the general public was aware of the massive and incredible conspiracy which lies behind such attempts to turn fictitious ABR scripted false flag events into reality (i.e. by the controller's use of actor based reality and the detailed scripting of initially fictional events), then they wouldn't get fooled by this type of devious manipulation of their beliefs and emotions. The essence of the controllers strategy is to use actor based reality (ABR) and scripting to knock over the first domino in a false flag attack. The controllers know from thousands of years experience that once they can achieve this in a convincing manner (i.e. that the event/setup is taken for real by the larger public), the common folk will then most likely knock subsequent dominoes over by themselves with gathering momentum - and no longer in a fictional way, but rather in a manner which involves actual life and death and battle/war.

I believe January 6th 2020 will likely go down in history as the date when the great battle for the west, broke out into the wider public's awareness and gained traction, in a comparable manner to how the 'assassination' of Archduke Ferdinand kicked-off the Second World War (an assassination which was seemingly a scripted and fictional event). Imo, among other events as detailed below, one of the key events of Jan 6th 2021, was the (staged) 'shooting of an unarmed female Trump supporter at point blank range'. This will be one of the primary 'hooks' which will elicit the emotions and feelings of revenge in the common folk, which in turn will be directed and channeled by the elites/controllers to produce a potentially unstoppable momentum towards conflict among the common folk (i.e. initially, red versus blue).

To try and grasp the deviousness of the controllers' actions I feel it is necessary to understand that the elites start with fictions (i.e. contrived and staged events which the vast majority of the common folk mistakenly take as real) - and then turn such fiction into reality (i.e. actual conflict between different groups and/or countries). To produce this movement from fiction to reality (i.e. fictional contrived events becoming real flesh and blood events) the use of actor based reality (ABR) characters (or life-time actors as Joe Atwill characterizes them) are essential to the controllers.(This has been discussed in several posts on this site, for example see here).

The scripted and staged events of Jan 6th 2021 and the lead-up to it include (but are not limited to):

  1. Organizing and scripting the massive voter fraud, which robbed (the scripted actor) Trump of his legitimate election victory (which does appear to have been a genuine landslide in his favor).
  2. The highly involved, complex and extremely stressful machinations which have been gone through since the election steal/loss until now - to try and have the voter fraud put right via a whole host of legal mechanisms (such as attempting to initiate Supreme Court cases, publication of the Director of National Intelligence's (DNI) report into voter fraud, etc). Over the last approx two months, the possibility of righting the wrongs of the election via one legal avenue after another has slowly slipped away due to inaction and/or 'betrayal' of Trump (probably the larger part of which was scripted, given the controllers need to arrive at today, with a precise set of circumstances, which would allow the events of today to unfold).
  3. On the morning of 6th Jan, it was looking likely that the Republicans had lost the Georgia election run off (held on the day before, i.e. on the 5th), and Trump had already stated that he believed a steal was in with this vote too - further heightening emotions and anger given the Republicans could lose the senate, depending on the result of the Georgia run-off election (which would mean the Democrats would effectively have no opposition to enacting a vast swathe of pro-CV19 lockdown and  masking type policy). Many Republicans are justifiably profoundly concerned about being targeted by a Dem ruled state for not believing in the CV19 'pandemic' (which is the case for a very significant percentage of Republicans).
  4. Also on the morning of Jan 6th, Trump made a long and forceful speech in DC, to thousands of his supporters at the Stop the Steal Rally. The full video of this can be seen here (note that it starts at 2:36 mins). 
  5. Today, Jan 6th, as a final possibility of righting the wrong of the election steal though legal and constitutional means, everything came down to (the scripted actor) Vice President Pence, and it was clear that he could today, in the Senate/Congress session, very simply and easily exercise his official powers to have Trump awarded electoral victory and appointed as the next US President (given all the evidence of a vote steal).
  6. Via Trump's script, the controllers organized for approx between 200,000 to one million Trump supporters to be in Washington DC today (more precise number not known yet), so as to be present when VP Pence carried out his official duties as officiator of the the process which would appoint the next president.
  7. Just as VP Pence was about to do the dirty on Trump, an easily identifiable troupe of (scripted) ANTIFA agent provocateurs (with a somewhat ludicrous looking gang leader, click here to load an image from the BBC and here for a full body image of the same 'bare chested and tattooed individual') stormed the Capital building and took over the Senate/Congress floor and offices of important personages, such as the office of the Speaker of the House.
  8. It was during this staged/scripted 'take over' of the floor and offices, that the unarmed female Trump supporter (i.e. an ABR actress) was 'shot'. You can find an archived version of this event here, or on other linked sites here (it is just a few minutes long). I was listening to events unfold live, and it was a shocking event to hear about the shooting (especially given was an unarmed young female) and the radio commentator was similarly expressing their shock at the footage they were seeing of the girl being wheeled out on a gurney, bleeding profusely from the heart or neck area, and with a medic performing cardiac chest pumping, so as to try and keep her alive. The gurney footage can be seen here, in the first few second of the video playing (on the right side inset). Further images of the whole storming and takeover of the Capital building can be found on the BBC here (see top search results entry).

Though admittedly somewhat speculative, how can we be surmise (with reasonable certainty) that we are watching a scripted and staged shooting?

  1. Note how the girl has what is effectively an inflated air bag on her back (to cushion her fall backwards).
  2. At 15 seconds, note how the subject is out of frame for a few secs as is so typical of hoax vids (so as to permit the actor to get in position after a fall and in this case, presumably ensure correct activation of the mouth blood capsule, given only a single realtime take was possible). The same was pointed out about the Tiffany Dover post-vaccination collapse vid in this post here.
  3. The extremely busy 'everyone in the camera frame moving this way, that way and every which way' is a technique of film production which produces a feeling of drama and reality in the viewer. In practice, in real life events, there tends not to be so much movement as people tend to be more frozen with shock.
  4. Some pretty bad acting imo, from the security and police.
  5. The comment of the news anchor over the gurney footage could be right out of 9/11 specifically when the plane hit the second  tower and was caught on live TV.
  6. The photos showing the other side of where the girl was shot from (at point blank range), and thus a vital visual angle of the action (like in a film it is vital we see both sides of the action, so as to create a sense of realness). The images from inside the chamber look staged to me, click here for a popup image (from an external site) and here and here.
  7. Looking back on the days events and the wider public release of the footage of the girl being shot - along with the promotion of it - my intuitive sense is that the timing of its release was contrived. I mean that a lot of excitement was built up pre-release and posting of the video, along with an 'overemphasis' on posting it around as evidence of the brutality against Trump supporters.


To repeat, now you have read through the events/scripting - what I am hoping to show by this analysis is that if the general public were aware of the massive conspiracy which lies behind such attempts to turn fiction into reality (i.e. the use of actor based reality and the detailed scripting of events), then they wouldn't get fooled by this type of devious manipulation of their beliefs and emotions - and thus wouldn't get tricked into knocking further dominoes down themselves.

I suspect that the larger plan is to create the context for an eventual conflict between the west and China, i.e. that progressing on from today. Even if not the president in the white house, to his many millions of supporters Trump will still remain the 'real' president and Trump's role will likely develop into one where he progressively becomes more successful at documenting to the general public (of both parties) the massive steal of the election by voter fraud - which ultimately will be traced back to China (the CCP). In addition, CV19 will likely be found to have been purposefully released by China as an attack on the west (though in partnership with scripted baddies like Fauci (a life-time actor). It will be discovered and shown that the democratic party has been completely infiltrated by the CCP, and is the proxy for China taking over the US.

The groundwork and necessary scripting has already been laid for all of these story lines (and the necessary actors/actresses are all in place). It is going to be the 'greatest' show on earth, but a truly devilish one, aimed at fooling and tricking the US population into demanding war against China, with all the terrible consequences which would befall this earth if such a conflict were not rejected by populations. Though I don't know how genuine such a war might be, in terms of the military action. [Note, I have read an alternative speculation that the whole involvement of the CCP is to produce a response in the worldwide population which then facilitates a move to an Atlas Shrugged type economy (i.e. a sort of worldwide Austrian economic system).]

The following incredible quote comes to mind, by US President J Edgar Hoover:

Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent. [Please find the fuller/expanded quote here. It is worth reading, given the above speculated script involvement of the CCP.]

The common folk being so hoodwinked by such a conspiracy is a tragedy, particularly given as above, the 'first domino' is typically just a fictional plot device.